Five years ago, as I casually scrolled through my Facebook feed, I stumbled upon a heart-wrenching post from a wonderful seventy-year-old lady named Maria, affectionately known as Zizi. In her poignant message, she poured out her feelings of abandonment, sharing the hardships she faced as her family had emigrated to the United States. Zizi's house was on the verge of collapse, forcing her to cook outdoors without running water or a proper bathroom.

A few months later, a compassionate gentleman caught wind of Zizi's plight. Touched by her story, he embarked on a mission to gather financial aid to alleviate her suffering. Unfortunately, despite months passing and thousands of dollars being raised, nothing substantial changed for Zizi, and she found herself back at square one.

When I learned about Maria's ongoing struggle, I decided that decisive action was long overdue. Knowing a gentleman with influential connections in Cape Verde, who had previously assisted others in the islands, I reached out to him. Together, we resolved to breathe new life into Zizi's dire circumstances.

Pooling resources from my business and gathering donations from various generous individuals, we amassed a sum of twenty thousand dollars. With determination in our hearts, we set out to transform Zizi's living conditions and bring hope back into her life.

The collective effort led to a remarkable metamorphosis. Zizi's house underwent a radical transformation, becoming a symbol of resilience and community support. Even today, Cape Verdeans worldwide speak of Zizi's story, using it as a reference point for future endeavors in helping those in need. The impact of our actions goes beyond the physical changes to her home; it stands as a testament to the positive change that can be achieved when individuals come together to make a difference in someone's life.