nonprofit organization

helping the people of Cape Verde

The Nilza Varela Foundation is committed to making a positive impact on the lives of the less fortunate in the islands of Cape Verde. Our core mission revolves around providing essential support in the areas of healthcare, housing, and food security, with the ultimate goal of fostering a healthier and more secure future for individuals in need.

One of our significant achievements is the official recognition of our foundation as a 501c3 organization, registered under the name Fundacao Nilza Varela in the state of Massachusetts. This designation not only underscores our commitment to transparency and accountability but also allows us to mobilize resources effectively and channel them towards our philanthropic initiatives.

In addition to our formal structure, the Nilza Varela Foundation collaborates with my son, Anthony Varela, who contributes to our cause through his comedy site, NobodyCaresAnthony. This unique partnership allows us to leverage humor as a powerful tool to engage with a broader audience, raising awareness and funds to further our charitable endeavors.

As we continue to expand our reach and impact, we invite you to join us on this meaningful journey. Whether through donations, volunteer work, or spreading the word about our foundation, your support plays a crucial role in helping us make a lasting difference in the lives of those we serve.

If you have any questions or would like more information about the Nilza Varela Foundation, please don't hesitate to reach out. Together, we can create positive change and contribute to a brighter future for the communities we serve.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Antonio Varela Founder,

Nilza Varela Foundation